Create assignments and assessments via your Materials page rather than through the calendar or through the gradebook
Leave folders that have assignments/assessments in them published while syncing from Schoology to PS
Wait to sync assignments that are individually assigned until all students have taken the assessment or completed the assignment
Do not change due dates on assessments or assignments that have been synced
Don’t check the sync to SIS box if you are not intending to issue a grade
Spot check grades between Schoology & PS gradebooks a few times a quarter
If grades don’t match, check the assignments. What is in one gradebook that is not in the other? And vice versa
Never enter a grade directly in PS
An 89.45 may show as an 89.5 in Schoology but the actual grade is an 89 and that is what will be shown in PS
Bulk edit: be sure the assignment name is not longer than 50 characters, the sync to SIS box is checked and make sure the following options are all selected: category, grading scale, due date, and period